Monday 11 July 2011

Football match breaks out at T in the Park 87 arrests

Every year in Scotland we have T in the Park. A festival I liked when it was in Glasgow and was in a park. After a few years it got so popular it moved to Kinross. I did not like the first time I was at the new site and decided not to go back again. Some things just spoiled it for me, too big a site and so far away from anything considered a park (It is an old airstrip).

Every year the festival is congratulated for good behavior by the fans. This year it only had 53 arrests compared to last years 64 arrests.

The big news for Scottish football this year was not who won what but the shame game in March where 34 arrests were made.

Why are the football fans given bad press when the music festivals are just as bad if not worse. Take a look at this years Rockness the festival that is made as an alternative to TITP.

Again more praise for a lower arrest than last year. Only 11 this year including an assault. So when something happens at a football game the teams are forced to change kick off times and have more security etc.

How about forcing T in the Park to start at 7am and be done for 5pm just because of all the trouble. Why is the football fans punished and not the festival goers. I have been to TITP and I found it just as rowdy as any old firm match. Ok the football games happen more than once a year but it is not just a stadium but the whole of Scotland watching it on TV in pubs.

What happened at old firm games has went on to effect all other football teams in Scotland. The main one being the selling of booze. If you go to a Clyde vs East Stirling game you can't have a pint with your pie because you may start fighting or causing other trouble. Very unfair I would say. Or could it be made fair by banning booze at TITP?


  1. "Hello, Mr Salmond? Yes, will you be calling a summit over this 'shame festival'?"

  2. I sent this to the SFA but no reply. They don't even care.
