Monday 16 May 2011


Now the internet has been in most of our lives for over 10 years and for some even more I am of an age where I can remember not having any internet. A day and age where teletext was the most up to date way of gaining info instantly via the written word.

From the time I first used the internet it was more for geeks (Like me) and at times you were called a geek, looser or a sad person with no friends. I remember people who told me I shouldn't use it as having real friends is more important. They did not understand I used it for fun and it was nothing more than an hour a day and mostly for chatting to mates via ICQ or getting news and other info. Nothing that I would say is sad or pathetic.

But with the social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and the literally millions of forums on the net many of the people who said I was sad are now making friends and communicating on the net. I have had many people I knew from school try to add me as a mate on facebook. I tend to say no to the ones I was not friends with as to me that is a bit hypocritical in being a friend now when back in 95 we did not bother with each other. Same goes for many jobs I have had where I was regarded as sad for surfing the net and playing computer games.

The reason I am writing this is because of the article I read on the BBC

I just do not get where this sort of activity has come from, I like taking photos and sharing them on Facebook, but more so friends can see a night out we had or how nice a city I visited looks.

Why would you want to copy something as dangerous as that? Is it to look cool? Is it even fun? I really don't know but I do know it did not exist in 95. The same people who say I don't have a life are now on the net doing this shit to look like they have friends and a life and want to show off how wacky they are.

Remember the guy who was ironing on the motorway a while back, again another thing that has been done on the internet and people deem this fun and quirky. If you done that 20 years ago and gave your excuse the police would have locked you away.

But back when I was a geek or nerd I was pigeonholed as sad and pathetic for being in my room playing games. What does that make the guy who was great at football in college who said I am a looser for playing computer games? The same guy who asks me to be a friend on Facebook. The same guy that says internet is for losers. A fucking hypocrite that is what the prick is.

A quick google search and I find out he is no longer the cool kid he was. He works in a call centre and has Call of Duty as a hobby on his Facebook. He also seems to spend much of his day on a forum dedicated to football and has clocked up over 20,000 posts probably telling people he is a better footballer than who ever scores the winning goal in a cup final.

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