Sunday 21 February 2010

Day 21

Well as many people know I have been doing a nightshift for my work. 

It is kind of a favor for the boss as we never do anything like this anyhow so it is a real change from the norm to do it.

I have doe shifts before about ten years ago but this is a bit different. Twelve hour shifts and four on two off. that means I am on a six day week sota thing.

I knew it would mess my life up and be hard going but it has been much worse than that. Canceled shifts one week then next you are on site and working all night non stop. I have no idea what day it is or what time it is. 

I turned the tv on yesterday to be greeted with an episode of Casualty. I know that it is on about 8pm on a Saturday but this is Friday. Not a chance I was in fact a day out in my estimation and not only that I felt it was about noon.

I have my driving test on Monday and I have to get some sort of kip before it, then after it I have to go to work for another shift in the dark. 

I do feel sorry for the people who do the shift but I could never do it for long, this is about 8 weeks of work for me and that is it. I have missed the little things like going out at all and feeling refreshed after a sleep.

I am in a constant state of knackerd and health wise I feel really bad. I done it for the money but I now can't see whay anyone would do this for a few quid. It is just simply not worth it.

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